I turned 45 years old this year……and this is what my wife gave me :)

A couple weeks ago I celebrated my 45th Birthday….. this is what my wife sent me 🙂

Happy Birthday


45 Reasons that I’m glad you were born:


45.      You catch fish, and I like to eat them.

44.      You make me laugh.

43.      We have so many things in common.

42.      You’re cute.

41.      You are the most generous person I know.

40.      You make the best armpit noises.

39.      You like to camp.

38.      Canoeing with you is fun and relaxing.

37.      You’ll eat most anything I cook.

36.      You have the most amazing sense of humour.

35.      You never stop caring.

34.      You take care of your family no matter what.

33.      I would trust you with anything.

32.      You can dance.

31.      You barbecue a mean steak.

30.      Nobody vacuums a floor like you.

29.      You do the tasks I don’t like to do.

28.      You like the simple things and don’t need fancy or difficult.

27.      You work with my quirks.

26.      We get along 99% of the time. Those are good odds.

25.      You laugh like no one else I know….other than our goofball boy.

24.      You are the father to my son.

23.      You know how to calm me down.

22.      You are still learning, and that is a great gift to yourself.

21.      You are thoughtful.

20.      You have a strong will.

19.      You are an athlete who is talented in every sport/activity that you try.

18.      You can accomplish anything you put your mind to.

17.      You started a second career in a new field, and have never looked back.

16.      You aren’t afraid to have feelings.

15.      You know the value of family and time together.

14.      You are respected and you respect others.

13.      New experiences excite you.

12.      You let me love you.

11.      You love our son.

10.      You love me.

9.         You are a grown man who loves to be silly, and that is wonderful!

8.         You are always open to trying new things.

7.         You are kind.

6.         Life would be long without you.

5.         I can’t imagine being married to anyone else.

4.         I’m so comfortable with you.

3.         Our son adores you.

2.         You are the best father I could have ever dreamt for a child.

1.         I waited a long time to find my best-forever friend, and it’s you!


Thank you Kim I LOVE you with all my heart 🙂

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